We’re starting a large new construction job of a Cold Storage facility in Vancouver and the work involved in organizing such a big project can be overwhelming. The scheduling and make up of material deliveries is just one of the challenges I encounter. The scope of work in this project is also daunting. It starts off with laying a layer of drywall on the metal deck called Densdek. That is followed by a peel and stick vapour barrier, Sopravapor, that must envelope the entire structure and make it airtight around all perimeter walls and protrusions. Then there is a layer of Extruded Polystyrene insulation varying between 5” and 7” thick. Two layers of a torch safe board is laid over top of the EPS and mechanically fastened using screws and fastening plates. Some of the screw lengths can be up to 14” long as we are also installing “crickets” to modify the slope of the roof and direct water away from potential ponding areas. Screwing has its own required schedule where perimeters and corners require more screws per square foot then in the general field area. This is required to address wind uplift potentials. Only then can we start installing our torch on membrane roof. I chose to install a Soprema 180 membrane system comprising of a both a base and cap sheet of a polyester reinforced SBS material. All of this must then be followed with a 26 gauge metal flashing where necessary. This is a job that will probably take up to near a full calendar month. It’s a great job and the General Contractor is very accommodating. SO although it has the potential to be daunting I look forward to going to work each and every day and accepting the challenges that each day brings. I’m still hoping to win the lottery though.