Look what I found

Roofing preventative maintenance, Vancouver, BC
Not a leak yet
March 18, 2013
Plumbing vent stack repair, Delta, BC
Wrong plumbing vent stack
March 30, 2013
Roof leak location and repair, Vancouver, BC

Roof leak location and repair, Vancouver, BCWhen working on a concrete tile roof today in Vancouver we had an opportunity to remove old caulking and replace it with a new fresh bead. This isn’t always necessary, depending on it’s location, but in this case it was on the field of a roof so the old caulking was exposed to continuous water. I wanted to do it. Well wouldn’t you know the old caulking peeled off with little resistance to expose a hole where one would not expect it. I’m not saying this would have leaked any time soon but it sure would have leaked sooner then not if we didn’t upgrade the existing caulking. The moral to the story for me is to trust your gut and more so important is the moral for the home owners is to trust an experienced contractor. I’m confident my customer is happy he chose an old guy.