Under the tiles

Installation of field vents, re-roofing project, Vancouver, BC
Proper venting
June 6, 2013
Skylight leak repairs, Vancouver, BC
Typical skylight frame failure
June 15, 2013
Wasp nest under tiles

Wasp nest under tilesWe were up in North Vancouver a couple weeks ago working on a tile roof. There was leakage around an attic space vent so we were going to remove all the plastic vents and replace them each with a standard and matching field tile. This is something we have done many times before and are always successful in the endeavor. But this time it was different. When I got near the vent I noticed an unusual amount of wasp activity. I’m used to seeing 1 or 2 buzzing about and it’s no big deal to me. I can still do my work without issue. But the 6 or 8 I saw this time concerned me. I decided it was best if the home owner had a professional exterminator come out and address what seemed almost certainly as a nest before I progressed further. Well he did his work in the attic not knowing what he was fighting. I was told he found no visible nest “hanging” around the attic some where. So the pros sprayed some chemical and when it gets warm the wasps are attracted to the spray and then they die. There’s probably more to it then that but that is the basics. We returned to do our work a week or so later. WELL HOLEY CRAP… LOOK WHAT WAS UNDER THE TILES. That’s the Death Star of wasp nests. Boy am I glad I made the decision to get the professional exterminators in! Crucial Roof Services.